
Python is a systems high-level programming language primarily used for data science and machine learning. I have used it myself for these tasks and its plethora of libraries make it exceedingly intuitive.

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Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. It is intended to be used as a platform for building fast, scalable network applications.

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Docker is a containerization platform that provides a secure, portable, and efficient way to run applications on any server without having to install anything but itself.

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Next.js is a server-side webserver library built ontop of Node.js used in conjunction with React. It is used to generate server-side rendered pages or serve static pre-rendered files. This portfolio uses Next.js!

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React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces easily and quickly. It also helps by using something called components to reduce repeated code. I used it for this portfolio.

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Tailwind is a CSS framework that helps you build websites without having to manage css. It is a collection of CSS utility classes and components that help you build a beautiful and responsive websites.

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HTMl is the structure for frontend website, its a basic structurual language that outlines your website.

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CSS is a cascading language for styling frontend web pages, it combined with HTML can make basic static web pages that give the use a pleasent UI experience (if used correctly).

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JavaScript is an object-oriented high-level programming language primarily used for the frontend resposiveness and interactive UX of websites. Typescript is a superset of JavaScript adding typing functionality.

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Deno is a counterpart to Node.js and was even made by the same person. It focuses on being runtime secure by default and lightweight while provided libraries without using a big folder such as node_modules.

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